Thursday, January 5, 2012


I want to be a beautiful dream in your sleep, I want to be something that you might miss, because the fragile step without you, because the liver has been exhausted, I want to be something you can always touch you, I want you to know that I always adore you, Without You quiet time chained heart, your shadow if you like the song which will be missed my calling you, like me hela air that you're always there, only you who can make me quiet without you I feel lost and lonely,,,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Start my week in 2012,

Good day, morning and night for all,, the early weeks of the beginning of 2012, my start, with a flurry as a good mother for my children, as a worker, I also have to take care of my stepmother who is currently ill who happened to visit my home , uhh, tired, bored with all the routines of life that seemed quite like this and like this, no progress, I happen to also change a bit longer for the house, especially a child's room and living room, so enough already exhausted my time,, as well as energy,, mind, body mmmm pretty tired, just someone who can dispel the tired, just by talking to him, joking around online but he's more than in my real life, but last night, there is little we agrue, I know it's all wrong, my 2 times a day yesterday we agruemen, but I do not have enough manpower and myself lazy, so I let agrue
  he spoke, and I just heard, until at last he asked, WHAT IS NOW BROKE UP AND WE WANT TO FORGET EVERYTHING, mmmm I do not know why he's so easy to decide all that, then I said no, I do not want to lose him, but if the decision was make him happy, I'm not forced him to stay with me, and I also do not want to hurt because of love, man, uhuh