" "The story of Jasmine 2"
start all the work sincerely and very fond of his new family, she began required to fund all of her new family life, ranging from school finance adoptive siblings until they could continue their education in college, she did not expect much,does she expect a the younger siblings could replace her pay for their parent...
although She had to work day and night does not care about her health, one that She knows, She feels fortunate because there are still families who loved her,well,, although life was now very much in comparison of her life in the past while living with his father.
This personal story as a writer I've long I want to express who I am, so now i would said Is me,, The Jasmine,
When I must have stepped 23 years, oh I forgot one of the family foster died she had alittle daughter who was sweet and I decided to adopt from the start she was the age of 3 weeks at the time, but of course I do not care like she real mom,I do just afford what she need,I while working at the company,and that time she just 3 week babies,all i need just buy her milk etc,and every 1 month i back to that village for see her and my parent,,yeah sometime i not bring lot money becouse the money always sent my parent before i back home,,,anyway I was stay in mes from that company I work, so i no need waste money for pay any rent room,
Almost 2 year i work in that company and I did making new house for my parent,sent all my sibling sister going to hight school,at last i can sent my adoption daughter also school,
And i very grateful who God still love me even that time I almost never praying,Muslim my new family teach me, but that time I still not believe what is religion for.
and to relieve boredom while I'm working, I finally got back to my old habits Drink,,,,,hang out with friends who are also equally drinkers.
I disappeared from my old life, and replace all the identities I even change the name,telling what I had in mind at the time, I want to just I want to become a new person,, ( my new name is Karina I use my real Mom name).
Until one night I suddenly woke up the sleeping, drunk but I cry I remembered my family in malaysia, how about my father of course I remember where my mother whether She was alive or dead, I cried alone, I miss them, but how I could go back there with a new identity, I really feel soo lose when finally i found myself I here just like trow myself in another country with all stranger________
I finally decided not to set aside a little money for the return fare to Malaysia just to find out about the state of my father, finally the money collected one million five hundred rupiah, I thinks that enough for i go there that time with ferry from Batam, but i need go Batam use plane yeah not to expensive,, Oh that time was 2003 November almost new years, finally i come again to my home land, I sneaky go my own home watch my Dad but that time he was not home probably his at work,Oh my God how I miss my own bed room< I miss my Dad I miss all I left in this house,
But the most I miss he Is My Dad,,I actually difficult to get into the house, because the security guard at house no one knew who I am, I finally ventured to telephone my father during the hours that he was in office.,,,yeah,, who does not know his voice, despite several years we have met, with his voice that surprised,,, "Dad this me Jasmine,, What He said," Are you still alive where are you now, but I'm sure he knew I was in Malaysia as seen from the local phone I use for the telephone, "I say I here dad front the house, but new security guard let me in." Ok let me call them to let you In and just waiting Dad,," In a few minute get home,,Finally the security guard let me In ,, Oh,,,,, I miss all over here, I running everywhere I trow out my Body in my bed.. and a few minutes later I heard the sound of my Dad car.___
I ran to hug him, I cried uncontrollably, and of the many years I lived with, just this time i see him cry,,""Oh My Jasmine U come back,"I miss you so much ,, and we both just spent time together,,He said please" Jass u don"t need to come back to Indonesia,, Dad here have No one,, anyway I have 1 brother but he living in Singapore,, don't know what he doing, i hear from My Dad he was married,,when I remember him ,i smiling,before he was teach me.
Doing all bad stuff like trick Dad money for our buy drugs,, hahaha He was good bro plus bad Bro,, but i know he love me,,
Ok,, maybe about 2 week i spent my time with my Dad, but i need return back to Indonesia,With a heavy heart, my father took me to return to Indonesia, one that I let him, Dad please do not worry about me "I can lives without you money,, and you know I strong,tough women as you teach me how to lives in my own feet, and I know how to.because I've proved a few years, I can have new ancestry, a new home and a foster child,, Just You need keep in touch in future,, he just said that with tears in his eyes,, "yes I will Dad and you need take care you self,, I soo love you""_______ Okey for now this story but i will writing soon as i have time again,,__________ Meet my love Dad
start all the work sincerely and very fond of his new family, she began required to fund all of her new family life, ranging from school finance adoptive siblings until they could continue their education in college, she did not expect much,does she expect a the younger siblings could replace her pay for their parent...
although She had to work day and night does not care about her health, one that She knows, She feels fortunate because there are still families who loved her,well,, although life was now very much in comparison of her life in the past while living with his father.
This personal story as a writer I've long I want to express who I am, so now i would said Is me,, The Jasmine,
When I must have stepped 23 years, oh I forgot one of the family foster died she had alittle daughter who was sweet and I decided to adopt from the start she was the age of 3 weeks at the time, but of course I do not care like she real mom,I do just afford what she need,I while working at the company,and that time she just 3 week babies,all i need just buy her milk etc,and every 1 month i back to that village for see her and my parent,,yeah sometime i not bring lot money becouse the money always sent my parent before i back home,,,anyway I was stay in mes from that company I work, so i no need waste money for pay any rent room,
Almost 2 year i work in that company and I did making new house for my parent,sent all my sibling sister going to hight school,at last i can sent my adoption daughter also school,
And i very grateful who God still love me even that time I almost never praying,Muslim my new family teach me, but that time I still not believe what is religion for.
and to relieve boredom while I'm working, I finally got back to my old habits Drink,,,,,hang out with friends who are also equally drinkers.
I disappeared from my old life, and replace all the identities I even change the name,telling what I had in mind at the time, I want to just I want to become a new person,, ( my new name is Karina I use my real Mom name).
Until one night I suddenly woke up the sleeping, drunk but I cry I remembered my family in malaysia, how about my father of course I remember where my mother whether She was alive or dead, I cried alone, I miss them, but how I could go back there with a new identity, I really feel soo lose when finally i found myself I here just like trow myself in another country with all stranger________

I ran to hug him, I cried uncontrollably, and of the many years I lived with, just this time i see him cry,,""Oh My Jasmine U come back,"I miss you so much ,, and we both just spent time together,,He said please" Jass u don"t need to come back to Indonesia,, Dad here have No one,, anyway I have 1 brother but he living in Singapore,, don't know what he doing, i hear from My Dad he was married,,when I remember him ,i smiling,before he was teach me.
Doing all bad stuff like trick Dad money for our buy drugs,, hahaha He was good bro plus bad Bro,, but i know he love me,,
Ok,, maybe about 2 week i spent my time with my Dad, but i need return back to Indonesia,With a heavy heart, my father took me to return to Indonesia, one that I let him, Dad please do not worry about me "I can lives without you money,, and you know I strong,tough women as you teach me how to lives in my own feet, and I know how to.because I've proved a few years, I can have new ancestry, a new home and a foster child,, Just You need keep in touch in future,, he just said that with tears in his eyes,, "yes I will Dad and you need take care you self,, I soo love you""_______ Okey for now this story but i will writing soon as i have time again,,__________ Meet my love Dad